
不同类型分布式电源在配电网中的优化布置 被引量:3

The Optimal Placement of Different Types of Distributed Generation in Distribution Network
摘要 分布式电源接入配电网后对电网节点电压、网络潮流、网损等方面带来的影响与分布式电源的种类、接入容量及接入位置密切相关。本文基于静态负荷模型,对小水电、光伏发电两种典型分布式电源与储能设备进行了研究。通过分析不同分布式电源的稳态输出特性,将不同分布式电源的出力特征与电力系统中潮流、电压不越限等约束条件相结合,以网损最小为目标函数提出了小水电、光伏发电与储能设备的优化布置函数。结论表明考虑出力差异性后,不同分布式电源的最优布置计算结果具有明显区别,相比将分布式电源当作常规电源出力将更加精确。 The impacts of distributed generation (DG) on note voltage, power flow and power loss depend on its types, capacity and location. Based on the static load mod- el, the research on two kinds of DGs (small hydropower plants and PV) and storage devices is carried out. Through the analysis on the steady-state output characteristics of dif- ferent DGs, the optimized placement function of small hy- dropower plants, PV and storage devices is proposed with the objective of minimum network loss by combining output characteristics of different DGs and such constraints condi- tions as the limitation of power flow and voltage. The conclu- sions show that the results are varied for different types of DGs, and it is necessary to consider the steady-state characteristics for different types of DG for more accurate results.
作者 吴文宣
出处 《现代电力》 北大核心 2012年第3期6-11,共6页 Modern Electric Power
关键词 分布式电源 优化配置 负荷分布 小水电 光伏 储能 distributed generation optimized placement load distribution small hydropower plants PV energy storage devices
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