分析了列车以太网互联通信网络的寻址方案定义的必要性,结合UIC 556小册子提到的面向功能寻址的方法,从开放系统互联的不同层次上进行寻址方案讨论,给出了类似于互联网中的统一资源标志符方法(IPT-URI)进行列车以太互联网的逻辑功能寻址,对列车、基本运转编组单元、车辆等不同域上分配了相应的专用网段及IP地址方法,最后介绍了动态逻辑功能地址与IP地址之间的转换。
The paper analyzes the necessity of addressing theme for IP based train communication network,by combining with functional addressing concept in UIC556 leaflet,addressing concepts at different OSI layer are introduced.And similar universal resource identifier methods are described to address different function in train Ethernet network.Correspondent private network segment and IP address are assigned to Ethernet train-borne network(ETB) and Ethernet consist network(ECN).Finally,conversion between dynamic function address and physical IP address is described.
Railway Locomotive & Car