目的分析沧州市艾滋病(AIDS)流行现状和特征,评估目前防治对策,明确今后防治工作重点,为决策者提供科学依据。方法收集和整理沧州市2003-2011年累计报告的HIV/AIDS病例报告和个案流调资料进行统计分析。结果沧州市2003-2011年累计报告HIV/AIDS 181例,死亡39例,疫情呈快速增长势头,以青壮年男性为主,地区分布广泛,性接触、母婴、血液3种传播途径均有病例报告,但以性途径传播为主占84.53%(153/181),其中男男性接触途径传播28.73%(52/181)。来源于医疗机构的病例占65.33%(49/75),且发现时或1年内死亡病例占28%(21/75)。结论沧州市属艾滋病低流行地区,但近年来疫情呈快速增长,且已进入发病和死亡高峰,存在多种潜在危险因素。市、县两级领导应提高认识,针对各种危险因素,采取积极有效措施,控制艾滋病疫情进一步蔓延。同时,要开展积极医疗救治,提高HIV感染者和AIDS病人生存质量,降低死亡率。
Objective To analyze the epidemic situation and characteristics of AIDS in Cangzhou city,assessment the current control measures,identify the focus of prevention and treatment work in the future,and provide scientific basis for decision makers.Method Collecting and collating the data of reported HIV/AIDS cases and individual case during 2003 to 2011,the results carried out statistical analysis.Results Accumulative total of 181 AIDS cases were reported,39 cases were dead,the epidemic showed a rapid growth tendency,most of the patients were young adults,the disease distributed widespread.Sexual contact,mother-infant transmission and blood transmission were the transmission routes,the sexual transmission was the main route,it accounted for 84.53%(153/181),MSM contact transmission was 28.73%(52/181).The cases came from medical institution accounted for 65.33%(49/75),death within 1 years accounted for 28%(21/75).Conclusions Cangzhou was a place of AIDS low prevalence,but in recent years,the epidemic rose rapid,it came into the peak of morbidity and death,and potential risk factors existed.The leaders should enhance the recognition,take active and effective measures according to various of risk factors and control AIDS spread.At the same time,devolpment active medical treatment,improved the quality of life of HIV infected and AIDS patients survival quality,reduced the mortality.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Epidemic situation
Prevention and control