

Ins13 levels in second-trimester amniotic fluid
摘要 目的动物实验得知睾丸间质细胞激素胰岛素样因子3(insulin-like factor 3,Ins13)在腹部睾丸迁移过程中起到非常重要的作用。此过程在人类发生在妊娠中期(第二个3个月),本研究探讨是否人体中Ins13在睾丸下降过程中也起到一定作用。方法经羊膜穿刺术60名孕妇取羊水测定Ins13及睾酮(testosterone,T)水平,选取样本孕周15-25w,确定胎儿男性28例,女性32例。结果 28例孕男性胎儿羊水中均检测到Ins13(160.5±85.2pg/ml),而在孕女性胎儿羊水中均未检测到此激素水平。T水平在男性胎儿(1.05±0.30 nmol/L)与女性胎儿(0.33±0.05 nmol/L)相比具有显著差异性(P<0.0001)。在男性胎儿中Ins13与T阴性相关,Ins13与孕龄统计学阴性相关处于基线水平(P=0.06),T与孕龄不相关(P=0.10);相反女性胎儿T水平与孕龄相关(P=0.03)。结论 Ins13存在于人类孕中期孕有男性胎儿羊水中,而孕中期正值睾丸移位过程中。相反在女性胎儿羊水中未检测到Ins13,结果认为Ins13在人类睾丸下降过程同样起到重要作用。 Objective: The testicular leydig eell hormone insulin -like factor 3 (Insl3) exerts a essential function in abdominal testis translocation in animal studies, which occurs in the beginning of the second trimester in humans, however, human prenatal Ins l3 levels has been poorly investigated. Methods : Amniotic fluid from 60 pregnant women undergoing amnioeentesis were tested Insl3 and testosterone (T) levels. Data were related to gestational age (15 -25weeks) at amniocentesis and to sex (28 males and 32 females). Results: Insl3 was present in amniotic fluid in all male fetuses (160. 5 ± 85.2pg/ml), whereas Insl3 was undetectable in the female fetuses. T was significantly higher in male ( 1.05 ±0. 30) as compared with in female amniotic fluid (0. 33 ±0. 05) (P 〈0. 0001 ). In males there was no correlation between Insl3 and T. A statistically borderline negative association was found between Insl3 and gestational age (P = 0. 06), whereas the eorresponding association was not significant for T (P = 0. 10), however, T in females correlated positively with gestational age (P = 0. 03 ). Conclusions: Ins l 3 is present in human male amniotie fluid in the second trimester, where abdominal testis translocation takes place. But the hormone is undetectable in female amniotic fluid. We predict that Insl3 is fundamental role for testieular descent in humans.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2012年第5期80-81,97,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 Ins13 孕中期 睾丸移位 Insl3 Second trimester Testis translocation
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