
Attenuation of Metal Bioavailability in Acidic Multi-Metal Contaminated Soil Treated with Fly Ash and Steel Slag 被引量:17

Attenuation of Metal Bioavailability in Acidic Multi-Metal Contaminated Soil Treated with Fly Ash and Steel Slag
摘要 A pot experiment was conducted with multi-metal (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn) contaminated acidic soil to investigate changes in available metal burden resulting from the application of industrial wastes (fly ash and steel slag). The efficiency of amendments- induced metal stabilization was evaluated by diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), sequential extraction, and plant uptake. The stability of remediation was assessed by an acidification test and by chemical equilibrium modeling. Addition of fly ash (20 g kg-1) and steel slag (3 g kg-1) resulted in similar increase in soil pH. Both amendments significantly decreased the concentrations of metals measured with DGT (CDGT) and the metal uptake by Oryza sativa L. Significant correlations were found between CDGT and the concentration of a combination of metal fractions (exchangeable, bound to carbonates, and bound to Fe/Mn oxides), unraveling the labile species that participate in the flux of metal resupply. The capability of metal resupply, as reflected by the R (ratio of CDGT to pore water metal concentration) values, significantly decreased in the amended soils. The CDGT correlated well with the plant uptake, suggesting that DGT is a good indicator for bioavailability. Acidification raised the extractable metal concentration in amended soil but the concentration did not return to the pre-amendment level. Equilibrium modeling indicated that the soil amendments induced the precipitation of several Fe, A1 and Ca minerals, which may play a positive role in metal stabilization. Chemical stabilization with alkaline amendments could be an effective and stable soil remediation strategy for attenuating metal bioavailability and reducing plant metal uptake. A pot experiment was conducted with multi-metal (Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn) contaminated acidic soil to investigate changes in available metal burden resulting from the application of industrial wastes (fly ash and steel slag). The efficiency of amendments-induced metal stabilization was evaluated by diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), sequential extraction, and plant uptake. The stability of remediation was assessed by an acidification test and by chemical equilibrium modeling. Addition of fly ash (20 g kg-1 ) and steel slag (3 g kg-1 ) resulted in similar increase in soil pH. Both amendments significantly decreased the concentrations of metals measured with DGT (C DGT) and the metal uptake by Oryza sativa L. Significant correlations were found between C DGT and the concentration of a combination of metal fractions (exchangeable, bound to carbonates, and bound to Fe/Mn oxides), unraveling the labile species that participate in the flux of metal resupply. The capability of metal resupply, as reflected by the R (ratio of C DGT to pore water metal concentration) values, significantly decreased in the amended soils. The C DGT correlated well with the plant uptake, suggesting that DGT is a good indicator for bioavailability. Acidification raised the extractable metal concentration in amended soil but the concentration did not return to the pre-amendment level. Equilibrium modeling indicated that the soil amendments induced the precipitation of several Fe, Al and Ca minerals, which may play a positive role in metal stabilization. Chemical stabilization with alkaline amendments could be an effective and stable soil remediation strategy for attenuating metal bioavailability and reducing plant metal uptake.
出处 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期544-553,共10页 土壤圈(英文版)
基金 Supported by the NSFC-Guangdong Joint Foundation of China(No.U0833004) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41101483) the Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme(2011),China
关键词 ACIDIFICATION chemical stabilization diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) heavy metal REMEDIATION 金属污染 酸性土壤 生物有效性 钢渣处理 粉煤灰 植物吸收 生物利用度 衰减
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