通过对嫩江干流上修建第一座 ,同时也是东北最大的一座水利枢纽——尼尔基工程的前后 ,其坝址处最枯月和枯水期 90 %保证率下的流量与坝下约 130 km处的黑龙江省第二大城市齐齐哈尔市江段最枯月和枯水期90 %保证率下的流量对比 。
Ni Er Ji Project is the first and the largest one on the main stream of the Nenjiang River.Analyzed in the paper is the impact of the least discharge from the reservoir in the low water season on the water environment of the city of Qiqihaer,the second largest city of Heilongjiang Province,130 km downstream of the reservoir dam,and on the water environment of the reaches downstream of the city.
Water Resources Protection