Arms sales are an important component of U.S.Taiwan policy and often evoke controversy in the U.S.While someone advocating giving them up,some others are in favor of maintaining the current level of or even upgrading such sales to check the rise of China's Mainland,but the costs and risks involved will become higher in the longer term.
Arms sales have always been a major component of the U.S.-Taiwan .policy. The target is clear: that through Washington's desires andactions military strength across the Taiwan Straits should be balanced to a degree at which the Mainland struggles to unify the two parties and Taiwan does not dare to attempt independence. As China grows in power and strength and cross-straits relations begin to change subtly, maintaining this balance is becoming more risky and more expensive. To a certain degree, the arms sale issue can tell us a lot more about how the U.S. views China's rise and what it plans to do in order to deal with this threat.