对 2 0 2例发生药疹的住院病人进行临床分析 ,共有近 2 0种类致敏药物 ,排在前 4位的分别为抗生素类 42 6%、解热镇痛类2 4 3 %、血清制品 4 5 %、喹诺酮类 3 7%。而磺胺类仅占约 1%。药疹的表现最多发者为麻疹样发疹型、荨麻疹型、猩红热样发疹型。轻型药疹 190例 ,重症药疹12例。结果表明 ,近 5年来 ,引起药疹的主要致敏药物的排序已发生变化 ,头孢菌素类药及“抗感冒药”
Analysing the clinical data of 202 in patients with drug eruptions It was found that there were about 20 classes of drugs involved The most commonly involved drug was antibiotics(42 6%),followed by the analgesics(24 3%),serum preparations(4 5%) and quinolones(3 7%) Yet sulfonamides just had 1% The most commonly eruptions were morbilliform, urticaria and scarlatiniform eruption 190 patients have the mild types of drug eruption, and 12 patients have the severe types The results showed that the arrangement of the major sensitizing drugs which caused drug eruption has changed in the recent five years The cephalosporins and “anti corgzas drugs' have become the major sensitizing drugs of the drug eruption
Journal of Clinical Dermatology