Objective To use ultrasound 2 d spots tracking imaging techniques discussed completeness of left a conduction block patients subendocardial myocardial left ventricular systolic function. Methods Com- pleteness left a conduction block of patients (CLBBB) 20 cases, normal controls were 20 patients, the long axis XinJian four cavity heart and two views of the cavity 2 d gray-scale dynamic image, the application of two-di- mensional strain software measure left ventricular wall each segment subendoeardial myocardial shrinkage strain, strain rate and overall long axis strain ( GLS), XinJian double plane Simpson method for measuring the left ven- tricular ejection fraction (LVEF, FS % ). Results Compared with normal group, LBBB group, left room in- side, E/A, left for beneath the longitudinal axis of systolic heart failure strain, strain rate reduce (P 〈 0.05) Conclusion ultrasound 2 d spots tracking imaging techniques can accurately evaluate left bunch of a patient's left ventricular subendocardial myocardial systolic function.
China Practical Medicine
Uhrasound 2 d spots tracking imaging techniques
Completeness of left a conduction block