
胰岛素泵输注中断的原因分析与护理干预 被引量:5

Cause analysis and nursing interventions for insulin pump infusion interruption
摘要 目的探讨胰岛素泵持续皮下注射过程中泵输注中断的原因与护理干预方法。方法将我院180例住院期间使用胰岛素泵的糖尿病患者分为干预组和对照组各90例。干预组针对胰岛素泵输注过程采取细化护理干预,而对照组采取常规护理。分析患者胰岛素泵使用期间出现输注中断原因,评价两组患者胰岛素泵输注中断的发生率。结果胰岛素泵输注中断引起意外高血糖原因有输注针头滑脱、输注针头折叠、输注管路阻塞、胰岛素泵保管不当、胰岛素泵报警音量设置不当、输注系统忘记开启,其中输注针头故障占75.8%,是引起输注中断最常见的原因。干预组胰岛素泵输注中断发生率明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论胰岛素泵输注过程中采取针对性的细化护理,可有效减少胰岛素泵输注中断引起的意外高血糖,提高胰岛素泵的治疗效果。 Objective To investigate the reasons for the interruption of insulin pump continuous subcutaneous infusion pump and nursing interventions. Methods One hundred and eighty cases of diabetic patients with use of insulin pump in our hospital were divided into intervention group (n = 90) and control group (n = 90). Intervention group for insulin pump infusion process to take detailed care intervention in the control group for routine care. Analysis of insulin pump use during the infusion interrupted reasons, the evaluation of the incidence of two groups of patients with insulin pump infusion inter- rupted. Results Interruption caused by unexpectedly high blood glucose causes the infusion needle slippage, the infusion needle folded insulin pump infusion infusion pipe blocking insulin pump is not properly maintained, the amount of insulin pump alarm sound is set incorrectly, the infusion system forgot to open, which lose note needle failure accounted for 75.8%, is caused by infusion to interrupt the most common problems. The intervention group insulin pump infusion inter- ruption was significantly better than the control group (P 〈 0.01). Conclusion During insulin pump infusion process, target- ed refinement care can effectively reduce the high blood sugar accidents caused by insulin pump infusion interruption, and improve insulin pump treatment efficiency.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2012年第18期92-93,96,共3页 China Modern Doctor
基金 2011年度浙江省医学护理科研研究项目(ZJ20110981)
关键词 胰岛素泵 糖尿病 高血糖 护理 Insulin pump Diabetes High blood sugar Nursing
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