

Effects of highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy on motility of gastric stump
摘要 目的 利用实验餐和放射性同位素显像技术研究高选迷切加保留胃窦部浆肌层的半胃切除术后胃运动功能。方法 将99mTC 植酸钠 6MBq加入黑芝麻糊 80g ,受试者 3min内服下 ,然后行放射性核素显像 ,得出胃排空曲线 ,计算 15、30、45、6 0和 90min胃排空率。结果 高选迷切加保留胃窦部浆肌层的半胃切除组与正常组比较无差异 ,而高选迷切组胃排空明显减缓。结论 高选迷切加保留胃窦部浆肌层的半胃切除术后胃运动功能不受影响 。 Objective To study the effects of highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy on the motility of gastric stump.Methods Test meal and radioactive nucleotide imaging technique were used to observe the motility of the gastric stump. 80 g of black sesame paste containing 99m TC phytate 6MBq was ingested by the patient in 3 minutes and gastric imaging was performed immediately. Gastric emptying curve and emptying rate in 15,30,45,60 and 90 minutes were obtained.Results No significant difference of gastric emptying rate was detected between the patients with highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy and those of the normal control but gastric emptying was significantly retarded in the patients with highly selective vagotomy as compared with the normal control.Conclusion There was little change of the motility of the gastric stump of the patients operated on with highly selective vagotomy and antroseromuscular layer pylorus preserved hemigastrectomy but gastric motility was usually impeded in patients operated on with highly selective vagotomy only.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期493-495,共3页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
关键词 胃运动功能 高选迷切 半胃切除 消化性溃疡 gastric motility operation highly selective vagotomy antroseromuscular layer preserved hemigastrectomy
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