爱尔兰翻译理论家迈克尔·克罗宁于2006年出版的Translation and Identity序言中有这样一句话:“Ifpreviously ideology had been the principal way of structuring political communication,identity has now taken over.”
4Cronin, Michael. Translation and Identity [M]. London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
5Gentzler, Edwin. Translation and Identity in the Americas: New Directions in Translation Theory [M]. London and New York: Routledge, 2008.
6Heidegger, Martin. Poetry, Language, Thought [M]. trans, by Hofstader, Albert. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
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4Chen, J. 1992. Ideology in U. S. Foreign Policy [M]. Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.
5Cronin, M. 2006. Translation and Idehtity [M]. London: Routledge.
6Gentzler, E. 2008. Translation and Identity in the Americas [M]. London: Routledge.
7Nye, J. 1990. Bound to Lead : The Changing Nature of American Power [M]. New York: Basic Books.
8Nye, J. &W. Owens. 1996. America's information edge [J], Foreign Affairs 3-4: 34.
9US Department of Defense. 2005. A call to action for national foreign language capabilities. Published by The National Language Conference.