
课程研制视角下的美国《州际共同核心标准》评介 被引量:4

A Review on Common Core State Standards of U.S.:A Curriculum Development Approach
摘要 随着教育和经济的全球化发展,美国基础教育开始了新一轮的课程改革,美国《州际共同核心标准》是其重要的标志,旨在使所有高中毕业生为将来的大学学习和今后就业做好准备。本文主要从研制背景、机制、主要内容和主要特色四个方面对该标准进行了介绍,以从课程研制的视角分析和解读这一标准,进而为我国的基础教育改革提供参考。 With the globalization of education and economy, the basic education in the U.S.A. is now on the way of a new round of educational reform. As an important mark of reform, the standards are designed to prepare high school students with knowledge and skills they need for success in college and careers. This article introduces its development background, mechanism, contents and main characteristics through curriculum development approach, so as to offer some implications for the basic education in China.
作者 王健 刘恩山
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期52-57,共6页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
关键词 课程研制 美国 州际共同核心标准 评介 curriculum development U.S.A. Common Core State Standards review
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