为了解巢豆油壶菌(Olpidium viciae)侵染蚕豆叶片和茎引起细胞和组织的病理学变化,采用光学显微镜观察蚕豆叶和茎的病、健表皮组织及组织切片的解剖结构和病原物在寄主细胞中的动态。结果表明,巢豆油壶菌侵入叶和茎的表皮细胞后,定殖在被侵入的细胞内,菌体生长发育,整体产果,形成游动孢子囊和休眠孢子囊。病菌的侵染刺激了侵染点邻近的表皮细胞和其下的叶肉组织或茎的皮层组织细胞,这些已分化的组织细胞转为分生细胞,进行分裂,分裂方式为平周分裂。原有的正常基本组织细胞被未高度分化的薄壁组织细胞取代。这些细胞具有分生能力并不断分裂,细胞体积增大,造成蚕豆病组织细胞发生畸形增生的病理解剖改变,病部呈瘤状隆起。这是蚕豆油壶菌火肿病症状产生的病理组织学机制,也反映了巢豆油壶菌和蚕豆在细胞和组织水平上的相互作用。
To understand the histopathology of broad bean blister caused by Olpidium vich^e, the anatomy of epidermal tissues and cross sections of leaf and stem of broad bean, and the growth of the fungus in host cells were observed with light microscope. The results showed that the pathogen infected and parasitized in the epi- dermal cells of leaf and stem. The whole thallus of the pathogen was converted into a zoosporangium or a rest- ing sporangium. The host responded quickly to the invasion. Once the fungal body in the individual infected cells began to develop, the epidermal cells adjacent infected cell and differentiated cells (including mesophyll cells of leaf and cortex cells of stem) beneath the immediate area of invasion of the pathogen were stimulated to meristematic activity and converted into meristematic cells. The cells of normal basic tissues were replaced by the cells of largely undifferentiated parenchyma with capacity of division. These cells continued to divide by periclinal or radial division resulting in hyperplasia at local infected site. This histopathological change of hyperplasia was the mechanism of inducing symptom of broad bean blister. The result also indicated the inter- action of the pathogen and broad bean at cytological and histological level.
Acta Phytopathologica Sinica