
基于语义缓存的粒度自适应一致性维护策略 被引量:1

Granularity Adaptive Consistency Maintenance Scheme Based on Semantic Caching
摘要 对象/关系映射常使用缓存来提升处理性能,缓存中数据与服务器数据的一致性维护是影响系统可靠性的关键问题。提出由中间层发起一致性维护的策略。该策略结合数据存储粒度、数据更新频率及更新数据量大小等因素,分别采用TTL及按需请求方式来进行一致性维护,保持缓存数据与服务器数据一致。实验结果表明,该策略能有效减少网络数据传输的开销,降低网络负载,并保证数据的有效性。 Cache is used to improve performance in object-relational mapping.Data consistency maintenance between cache and server is the key factor of system reliability.In this paper,a granularity adaptive consistency maintenance scheme that is initiated by middle layer is proposed.This scheme considers several data attributes including storage granularity,updating frequency and size.After combining the number of cache items,it uses TTL and on-demand request respectively.Experimental results show that the proposed policy can effectively reduce network overhead and load.Data efficiency can also be guaranteed.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2012年第7期164-167,共4页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 湖南省自然科学基金(10JJ3041) 湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(11C0744) 长沙市科技局科技计划(K10ZD062-13)
关键词 对象关系映射 语义缓存 一致性维护 粒度 object relational mapping semantic cache consistency maintenance granularity
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