Nowadays, China has become the second largest destination of investment in the world. Via knowledge transfer, the Chinese subsidiaries can quickly copy the parent companies' management mode and technical development ability , thus the multinational corporations can gain competitive ad- vantages in Chinese market, which is an important step to increase their global competitive advanta- ges. The technology transfer fi'om multinational corporations to their subsidiaries always manifests as transferring through embedding in carriers such as equipment, production line, staff, management system, operation norm, organizational culture and so on. Will the degree of knowledge-embedded change the tacit degree of knowledge? And what influence will they have upon the results of knowledge transfer? These are two points to research in this study. In the first place,based on the theory of tacit knowledge, it chooses the relations among different knowledge characters, and how do they affect knowledge transfer from multinational corporations to Chinese subsidiaries as a research topic, and constructs a model of knowledge characters and their effect. Secondly, it uses empirical research approach and collects the data of knowledge transfer from 125 subsidiaries in China through the questionnaire survey, including the embedded characters of all kinds of knowledge, the tacit degree of knowledge, the result of knowledge transfer and the basic in- formation of the enterprises. Structural equation model is used to analyze the data. The result shows that the tacit degree of knowledge would significantly decrease when the degree of knoMedge-embedded in staff and device gets higher; in reverse, the tacit degree of knowledge would significantly increase when the knowledge embeds deeply in the cooperative relationship. Com- bining the conclusion above and the analysis of the tacit degree of knowledge's mediate effect, it con- firms that the different embedding characteristics of the knowledge which multinational corporations transfer to their subsidiaries in China could influence the knowledge transfer result positively or nega- tively by changing the tacit degree of knowledge. It has a serendipity different from traditional research that the routine-embedded knowledge pro- motes the knowledge transfer. Multinational corporations used to transfer the routine knowledge togeth- er with the coordinated institution, regulation, division and coordination of work system, standardiza- tion administrative system and so on. This finding means that the routine-embedded knowledge trans- fer would be promoted when such coordinated system has been transferred or copied quite well. Finally, it discusses its management connotation. On the micro side, muhinational companies could promote knowledge transfer through personnel training, technology integration, copy of manage- ment environment, so as to change the tacit degree of knowledge. On the macroscopic side, govern- ment could promote the knowledge transfer embedded in the people and technology by improving the coordinated policy of talent and technology introduction.
R&D Management
multinational corporation
knowledge transfer
knowledge character