
硅光子器件及其集成技术的研究 被引量:1

Study of silicon photonic devices and their integration technology
摘要 主要探讨了偏振分集光路、可调光衰减器、波导耦合型锗光电探测器等硅光器件的研究进展,分析了其结构及技术参数,随后探讨了VOA-PD单片集成技术以及VMUX单片集成技术两种硅基单片集成技术,指出硅光子器件的性能指标已经能满足现代光纤通信系统的要求。 Various silicon photonic devices covering passive to active functions have been developed and their monolithically-integrated technology. This paper studies on polarization diversity circuit for silicon photonics, variable optical attenuator based on a silicon wire waveguide, germanium photodectectors and their technical parameters, then germanium photodiode and a variable optical attenuator integrated on a silicon wire waveg- uide platform, VMUX monolithic integration technology are followed. So the performance of silicon photonic devices have been able to meet the requirements of modern optical fiber communication systems.
出处 《光通信技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期4-6,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
关键词 硅光器件 单片集成技术 光纤通信系统 silicon photonic device monolithically-integrated technology optical fiber communication system
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