Objective Infections by multiple parasite species are coramon in nature. Food borne parasitic infection is a zoonosis affecting human beings. The aim of our case report is to improve the vigilance of clinician in order to avoid misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis. Melhods A 20 years old female patient presented with a three month history of repeated dry cough, tightness and chest pain. She had history of ingestion of uncooked snake gall. Chest X-ray revealed pneumothorax. During hospitalization, she presented repeated pneumothorax. Serum antibody of Paragonimus westermani, liver fluke and schistosome were positive. Blood routine examination and osteostixis revealed peripheral blood eosinophilia. Results After treatment with praziquantel, tinidazole and albendazole, there was downturn in the number of eosinophils and the symptoms improved. Conclusions Multiple parasitic infection started with pneumothorax symptoms is rare, therefore, we must be careful in inquiring epidemic to avoid misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis.
International Journal of Respiration
Multiple parasitic infection
Repeated spontaneous pneumothorax
Ingestion of uncooked snake gall