
联盟规范系统及其规范能力极限 被引量:3

On the Limitation of the Power of Coalitional Normative Systems
摘要 联盟规范系统(coalitional normative system,简称CNS)通过选择性地限制联盟的联合行动来对规范系统(normative system,简称NS)进行扩展.扩展了ATL的语义,提出了Coordinate-ATL(Co-ATL),用于对CNS进行形式化.为了刻画其规范能力的极限,确定了Co-ATL的两个语言片段,分别对应于两类不可改变的系统属性.对NS和CNS之间的关系进行了讨论,表明所得到的结果可以更好地界定NS的能力极限.此外,引入了对执行历史进行编码的有限状态机,进一步对CNS进行了扩展,提出了CNS-M.可以证明,关于CNS能力极限的界定在该扩展下保持稳定. Coalitional Normative System (CNS) is an extension of a Normative System (NS) by enabling selective constraining a coalition's joint behavior. The study extends the semantics of ATL and proposes Coordinated ATL (Co-ATL) to support the formalizing of CNS. The paper classifies all the CNSs that control the same coalition into the same class and characterizes the power limitation of each such class by identifying two fragments of Co-ATL language corresponding to two types of system properties that are unchangeable. The relation between NS and CNS is discussed, and it turns out that by the result better characterize the power limitation of NS. Moreover, the study extends further the CNS by including a finite state machine encoding the execution history, and results show that the power limitation characterization for CNS is invariant under this extension.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1796-1804,共9页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(60503021 60721002 60875038 61105069)
关键词 规范系统 交互时态逻辑 联盟 并发博弈结构 normative system ATL coalition concurrent game structure
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