
王不留行促进奶牛乳腺泌乳的信号转导途径 被引量:8

Mechanism of lactation in dairy cow mammary gland regulated by Semen Vaccarie
摘要 应用Western blot检测王不留行水浸提液作用后,乳腺上皮细胞泌乳信号转导基因P-AKT1、cyclinD1、PRLR、P-STAT5a和AMPK、GULT1的变化,结果表明:中药王不留行对P-AKT1、cyclinD1、PRLR、P-STAT5a和AMPK、GULT1基因表达具有一定作用,可能通过mTOR信号转导途径促进乳腺上皮细胞的增殖;通过激活PRLR从而激活Stat5a泌乳信号转导途径激活其下游β-酪蛋白基因的表达;且可能通过激活AMPK而促进GLUT1表达的增强,从而增加细胞对葡萄糖的摄取能力促进乳糖的合成。 In the experiments, Western blot were used to study the change of P-AKT1, cyclinD1, PRLR, P-STAT5a and AMPK, GULT1 expression in dairy cow epithehal cells treated by water solution of Semen Vaccariae, The results showed that Semen Vaccariae had influence on the expression of P-AKT1, cyclinD1, PRLR, P-STAT5a and AMPK,GULTI.It stimulated cell proliferation through mTOR cell signalling transduction pathway; induced B-casein expression by JAK-STAT cell signalling transduction pathway, influenced lactose secretion through AMPK and GULT1.
出处 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期8-10,共3页 China Dairy Industry
基金 黑龙江省青年科学基金资助项目(QC2010072)
关键词 奶牛 乳腺上皮细胞 王不留行 泌乳 dairy cow mammary gland epithelial cells Semen Vaccariae lactation
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