
蚌埠市部分儿童青少年牙外伤患病情况分析 被引量:1

Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries among children and adolescent in Bengbu
摘要 目的了解蚌埠市青少年牙外伤的流行病学特征和临床特点,为牙外伤的防护和应急处理提供参考。方法回顾2008年1月至2011年10月在蚌埠医学院第二附属医院口腔科就诊的215例6~24岁青少年牙外伤患者的临床资料,分析患者的性别和年龄分布、外伤原因和地点、外伤牙部位和类型、伤后就诊相关情况等。结果 215例牙外伤患者的男、女比例为3.1∶1,6~11岁和17~24岁为高发年龄段;外伤由玩耍或运动造成跌倒所致的占76.7%,地点以学校为主;外伤牙上颌明显高于下颌,上颌中切牙最易受累;在恒牙外伤中,冠折最多见;大部分患者在牙外伤后2 h内到医院就诊,但对全脱位牙保存方法不对。结论应加强相关知识普及、教育,采用正确防护措施,保护青少年口腔健康。 Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics and clinical characters of traumatic dental injuries among children and ad- olescent in Bengbu, and to provide reference for the prevention and emergency treatment. Methods Retrospective study was carried out to study 215 cases of traumatic dental injuries ( aged 6 -24 years ), who came to the second affiliated hospital of Bengbu Medical College. Their age distribution, injury causes and spots, dental site and type and treatment were analyzed. Results Among the 215 cases of traumatic dental injuries, the ratio of male to female was 3. 1 : 1. Most of the patients aged 6 - 11 and 17 - 24. The injuries were caused by falling when playing or having sports (76.7%), and the spot was at school. More injuries occurred at maxillary than mandibular, and maxillary central incisor was more likely to be in- volved. Most of the patients went hospital for treatment in 2 hours, but they knew little about the preserved method of complete dislocation-tooth. Conclusion The health education and knowledge popularizing should be strengthened to protect the adolescents oral health.
作者 张晓东
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期702-703,共2页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 外伤 患病率 学生 Tooth Trauma Prevalence Students
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