目的了解广东省农村学校厕所卫生与垃圾污水处理状况,为推进农村学校基础卫生设施的改善工作提供依据。方法抽取广东省富裕县、相对宽裕县和贫困县各2个,每县抽取10所农村中小学校,共抽取60所农村学校,对厕所及卫生设施进行现场调查,并抽取1 845名在校学生进行肠道寄生虫感染情况检测。结果 72.4%的学校使用卫生厕所;男生厕所蹲位合格率为30.5%,女生厕所蹲位合格率为10.2%;69.5%的学校厕所没有专人管理;28.1%的厕所粪便未经任何处理随意排放。45.0%的学校污水直接排入河道沟渠或随意排放;6.7%的学校垃圾随意堆放或焚烧。74.2%的学生反映厕所清洁状况差;81.4%的学生反映厕所有苍蝇;49.1%的女生反映上厕所要排队。13.5%的学生感染肠道寄生虫,在富裕地区有3.7%学生感染肝吸虫。结论广东省部分农村学校厕所管理与垃圾污水的处理均存在卫生安全隐患。亟待完善农村学校基础卫生设施的配置,加强卫生监督和管理工作。
Objective To understand the status of toilet hygiene, waste water treatment in rural schools so as to provide basic data for plan- ning strategies on health infrastructure in rural schools. Methods Field investigation was performed in 60 rural schools randomly selected in Guang- dong province. The data of status of toilet hygiene and sanitation facility in rural sehoois were obtained with the uniform content, methods and forms, which were conducted by professionals from disease control organizations, intestinal parasites test was undertook among 1 845 students. Results A- bout 72.4% of 60 schools used health toilets, 30.5 % of men 's squatting position were qualified, while 10.2% of women's, 69.5 % of the toilets were not managed by specially-assigned persons. 28.1% of dejecta was discharged into environment without any treatment. 45.0% of sewage was dis- charged into ditch directly, 6.7% of the garbage was stacked or burned at any place. About 74.2% of the students reported that the toilet hygiene was poor, and 81.4% reported that there were flies in the toilet, 49.1% of the girls reported that they needed to queue when they went to the toilets. Intestinal parasite infection rate was 13.5%, elonor ehissinensis infection rate was 3.7% in developed areas. Conclusion There are potential sani- tation risk of the toilet management, the sewage treatment, and garbage in rural schools in Guangdong. More measures should be taken to improve san- itation facilities in rural schools and hygiene supervision and management should be strengthened.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Toilet facilities
Public health
Organization and administration
Student health services
Rural health