
刚果(金)加丹加省堪苏祁铜钴矿床地质特征及找矿方向 被引量:12

Geological characteristics and ore-searching directions of copper-cobalt deposit KS in Katanga province of Congo(King)
摘要 刚果(金)堪苏祁铜钴矿床位于东非大裂谷中段西侧NW向分支内,属于加丹加铜钴铀矿带一部分。该矿床具有2种成矿类型:一种是沉积岩型铜钴矿,以铜为主,伴生钴,铜矿早期受沉积型砂页岩地层的控制,钴矿赋存于韧脆性剪切构造带中,受后期构造的控制,剪切构造面理是钴矿的主要富集场所;另一种是后期伴随韧脆性剪切带生成的热液型钴铜矿,以钴的品位较高为特征。根据成矿地质条件及EH4物探解译成果分析,矿区深部及外围尚有该类型矿床的找矿潜力。 copper-cobalt deposit KS in Katanga province of Congo(King) is located in Katanga copper-co- balt belt in the NW-trending branch of the west part of the middle Great Eastern Africa Rift Valley. Ge- netically, there are two types of ore. One is sedimentary copper-cobalt ore similar to the regional copper- cobalt deposit with Cu dominant and controlled by early sedmentary sandy shale and Co by-product occur- ring maily at foliation in the ductile-brittle shear zone and controled by late tectonics. The other is hydro-thermal copper-cobalt ore resulted from hydrothermal fluid which is companied by the ductile-brittle shear zone. Co is in high grade in such ore. Based on the geological condition and EH4 dada interpretation it is potential for further exploration to depth and surroundings of the Cu-Co deposit.
出处 《地质找矿论丛》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期206-213,共8页 Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research
关键词 堪苏祁铜钴矿床 沉积岩型铜钴矿 热液型钴铜矿 矿床地质特征 找矿方向 刚果(金) copper-cobalt deposit KS sedimentary copper-cobalt ore hydrothermal copper-cobalt ore geological characteristics of the deposit ore-seaching direction Congo(King)
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