以西北风味为主体的陕菜在其悠久的历史发展过程中,形成了“大俗大 雅”的个性特征和独特的饮食文化模式,成为中国烹饪的重要机体之一。以融合 变革为突破口,优化菜点质量,提高菜点的科技含量,加强餐饮经营和人才队伍 建设,乃是21世纪陕菜发展的战略目标。
Shanxi Dish featured mainly with north-west flavour has formed the specialities of suiting both refined and popular tastes and unique mode of food culture in the course of long history development and has become an important part in Chinese cuisine. The strategic goal of the 21st century for Shanxi Dish is to begin with reformation, improve the quality and tighten up the management in catering trade and the construction of personnel.