餐饮业买方市场的形成,早已是各界的共识,作为餐饮业的重要组成部 分——高星级即四星、五星级旅游饭店的餐饮如何随机应变、适销对路,近年来 成为餐饮行业乃至旅游业内人士普遍关注的问题。审时度势、拓展内需、放低门 槛、组合优势,通过精心组织营销管理服务,使社会顾客尤其是普通老百姓获得 超越期望的享受,定能赢得市场,走出困境,进入柳暗花明的新境地。
The formation of the buyer maket in catering trade has been known to kinds of fields. As one the most important part in catering trade, how the diet of top grade hotels as four-star or five-star restaurants adapts itself to the changing conditions has become a popular subject in catering trade and tourism field in recent years. Recognizing situations correctly, developing domestic requirements, lowering the diet level, combining the superiority and organizing market activities will make social customers especially ordinary people gain over-expecting enjoyment and will win the market.