
不同类型的韦格纳肉芽肿病的影像学对比 被引量:4

Imaging Manifestations of Different types Wegener's Granulomatosis
摘要 目的探讨不同类型的韦格纳肉芽肿病的影像学差别。方法选自我院2001年1月至2009面1月收入确诊为WG的患者31例,患者根据类别不同将WG分为局限型以及严重型。记录患者各项基本资料并进行统计学对比。结果患者首发症状中以发热、肺部、鼻、关节痛以及其他为主。局限型WG患者年龄、肾脏系统、肺脏系统以及血液系统发病显著低于严重型患者。不同类型WG患者实验室对比中,局限型WG患者ESR增快、CRP升高及ANCA阳性人数显著低于严重型。局限型WG患者VDI及BVAS评分低于严重型,两组差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。不同类型WG患者肺部影像学对比显示,局限型WG患者弥漫性肺泡出血例数显著低于严重型患者,两组对比差异有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论韦格纳肉芽肿是一种多系统受累疾病,局限型WG患者年龄较轻,其ESR增快、CRP升高、ANCA阳性、VDI、BVAS评分及弥漫性肺泡出血例数均低于严重型WG患者,而且局限型WG患者年龄、肾脏系统、肺脏系统以及血液系统发病显著低于严重型患者。 Objective To investigate the different types wegener's granulomatosis's imaging manifestations. Methods 31 WG patiends were selected from January 2001 to January 2009 in our hospital. Patients were divided into Limited WG and severe WG,Record all basic material and the result with statistical comparison. Results patients Start by fever.lung, nose,joint pain and other primarily symptoms, limited WG patients' age, kidney, lung system and the blood system were significantly lower than serious WG patients. Compare the lab result of different types of WG patients show& the limited WG patients' VDI and BVAS sccords were lower than serious WG patients, the difference was statistically significanee,P〈0.05. The imaging shows between the different type of WG patients that the limited WG patients's diffuse alveolar hemorrhage was significance lower than serious WG patients, the difference was statistically significance,P〈0.05. Conclusion WG is a kind of involvement system disease,limited WG patients was younger,its ESR added fast,elevated CRP and ANCA masculine, VDI,BVAS score and the diffuse alveolar bleeding number were lower than serious WG patients, And limited WG patients' age, kidney,lung system and blood system were significance lower than serious WG patients.
出处 《中国实验诊断学》 2012年第6期1044-1046,共3页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
关键词 韦格纳肉芽肿 影像学 ANCA Wegener' s Granulomatosis Imaging ANCA
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