实验尝试采用近红外光谱法结合涡旋辅助液液微萃取技术,快速测定水中邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)残留.为提高检测的信噪比,使用四氯化碳作为萃取剂,不使用分散剂.近红外光谱数据采用偏最小二乘法分析,利用auto-scale对光谱进行预处理.偏最小二乘分析模型的主因子数为4,建模波段为4246.7~4424.1 cm-1.模型中RMSECV为0.3759,R2为0.9607.本实验结果显示了近红外方法结合涡旋辅助液液微萃取在分析环境水中的DEHP方面具有潜力.
In the experiment,combined with a rapid and efficient extraction procedure of vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction,the near-infrared(NIR) spectroscopy was used in an attempt for a rapid detection of diethylhexyl phthalate(DEHP) in water.For the enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio,the extraction solvent(CCl4) was utilized without any disperser solvent.Partial least squares were applied to build the model with the 4 latent variables and the preprocessing of auto-scale.The selected regions were from 4246.7 cm-1 to 4424.1 cm-1.The model acquired satisfactory accuracy,with 0.3759 for RMSECV and 0.9607 for R2.This result shows the potential for the determination of DEHP in environmental water.
Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University