
一种高空拦截导弹的自适应滑模制导律设计 被引量:3

Design of Adaptive Sliding-mode Guidance for One High-altitude Intercept Missile
摘要 针对使用传统的制导律拦截高空高速机动目标效果不佳的问题,提出了自适应滑模制导律;首先给出了比例导引律的具体算法,然后采用变结构控制理论,结合时变系统的特点,应用滑模自适应趋近律的概念,设计了导弹的自适应滑模制导律,并对其进行光滑处理,削弱了绕滑模的抖动;通过具体的仿真实例,表明了该制导律有更优良的弹道性能和鲁棒性,所需的控制能量更少,脱靶量更小,制导精度更高,相比传统的比例导引律,具有更强的实用性和有效性。 Adaptive sliding--mode guidance is presented in this paper according to the problem that a missile intercepts high--altitude and high--speed maneuvering target by using traditional guidance laws is not very effective. First, the algorithm of proportional guidance law is given. Then, according to the characteristics of time--varying system and the concept of sliding mode adaptive reaching law, the adaptive sliding--mode guidance is designed by using variable structure control theory. Applying smooth processing, the jitter of this guidance law is smaller. Via the simulation examples, it is indicated that the ballistic performance and robustness of adaptive sliding--mode guidance is more excellent, the target miss--distance is smaller, the needed control energy is less, and the guidance accuracy is higher. It is more practical and effective than proportional guidance law.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1573-1575,1579,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 航空科学基金(20090153003)
关键词 自适应滑模制导律 比例导引律 变结构 鲁棒性 adaptive sliding--mode guidance proportional guidance law variable structure robustness
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