
西印度所见舍卫城大神变佛教造像十例(下) 被引量:2

Ten Statues of the Miracles at Sravasti in West India(Ⅱ)
摘要 古印度笈多时期普遍流行一种取材于"舍卫城大神变"的佛教造像,描绘佛陀在舍卫城降服外道六师,包括三个主要情节:芒果树奇迹、水火双神变、大神变。造像通常舍弃了叙事性,转而倾向于礼拜性,形成了以佛陀为主尊集结化佛天众的宏大场景,作为程式化的造像遍布于西印度诸石窟。就西印度石窟所见,这类造像有繁简不同的造像图像,而均以"并蒂莲花"、"千佛化现"和"双龙擎莲"为图像特征,并影响了耆那教造像和印度教造像,也是古印度后期密教造像的图式渊源之一。"舍卫城大神变"系列造像对中国佛教美术的影响,尚没有得到充分的重视。 During the Gupta period of ancient India, there was popular Buddhist statuary based on the miracles at Sravasti, which describes the Buddha surrendering six heretics at Sravasti. It includes three main plots: Amra - Pratiharya, Yamaka- Pratiharya, Maha- Pratiharya. The statue usually abandons narrativity and turns to worship, forming a great scene that the Buddha is surrounded by deva, which spread all over the grottos in west India as a stylized statue. As we have seen in west India, these statues are simple or complex, but they all have distin- guished features, such as the "twin lotus" , "thousand Buddha" and " double nagaraja lifting up lotus". This features influenced Jainism and Hinduism statues as well as the scheme resource of Esoteric Buddhist statues in ancient India. The effect of the series statues of the miracle at Sravasti on Chinese Buddhist art still has not won enough attention so far.
作者 张同标
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期68-74,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 华东师范大学人文社会科学后期资助项目"中国和古印度佛像源流的调查研究"(2010)
关键词 舍卫城大神变 古印度佛像 石窟寺造像 the miracle at Sravasti ancient Indian Buddhist statues grotto statues
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