23例使用Norplant埋植剂妇女分别在埋植前、埋植后1、2年取血观察糖耐量(OGTT)、总胆固醇(CL)、高密度脂蛋白胆固酵(HDL-C、甘油三脂(TG)的变化。结果表明:埋植Norplant 2年期间糖耐量轻微降低,但未超出正常范围,故有糖尿病家族史及有糖尿病倾向的妇女,不宜使用此药。血脂含量略有降低,理论上具有保护心血管系统的作用。它们的长期影响还须作进一步观察。
Measurements of oral glucose tolerance, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and high density cholesterol were performed in 23 cases of patiens using Norplant. The testing was done at intervals of one and two years. The results showed that while there was some decrease in oral glucose tolerance, it remained essentially within normal range, but blood lipid levels were decreased These findings indicate that while Norplant should be used with caution in women who have an increased risk for diabetes, on balance it may be protective against cardiovascular disease in women who are otherwise normal. It is felt that to evaluate the long term effects, more observation is needed.
Beijing Medical Journal