For some unconventional wells, due to old stratum and poor drillability, it takes longer drilling period and encounters more complex situation, including obvious decline of mechanical drilling rate and soaring drilling cost. Based on the drilling prac- tice of unconventional wells, it is found that conventional drilling technique cannot slove the problems of low mechanical drilling rate and long drilling period. Through research, oil experts found that, under the conditions of fixed hydraulic parameters, the use of pulse jet and cavitating jet could have a greater impact load, improve the efficiency of rock clearing and rock breaking, and success- fully resolve the problem of low mechanical drilling rate and long drilling period. By tracking and comparative analysis of the appli- cation of hydraulic pulse cavitating jet technology in the drilling of unconventional wells, this paper researched on the feasibility of enhancing mechanical drilling rate by the technology and explored the means to improve the tools structure of the technology, hy- draulic parameters, drilling tools combination and the adaptability of the technology to stratum. All the researches above were of practical meanings in making technical preparation for the improvement of mechanical drilling rate of unconventional wells.
Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation and Development
shale gas, tight lithology, low mechanical drilling rate, hydraulic pulse