以山楂、胡萝卜为原料,添加果葡糖浆、复合胶、柠檬酸加工成山楂胡萝卜果糕,对加工过程中的关键工艺进行了探讨。结果表明,山楂胡萝卜果浆用质量分数为0.3%Vc护色15 min效果良好;产品配方为魔芋胶质量分数0.8%、卡拉胶质量分数0.6%、黄原胶质量分数0.2%,山楂胡萝卜果浆与果葡糖浆质量比为11∶9。产品主要工艺条件为熬煮温度95℃~100℃,保持15 min。然后进行成型冷却。制成的产品既提高了产品的营养价值又降低了成本,产品深红半透明,组织细腻,酸甜适口,韧性、弹性和咬劲俱佳,有很好的推广价值。
Hawthorn and Carrot fruitcake was prepared by using hawthorn and carrot as raw material and glucose-fructose syrup, compound glue and citric acid as additives, and key factors of the process were investigated. The color protection for hawthorn and carrot syrup was achieved by adding vitamin C (0.3℃ , w/w)and stayed for 15 rain. The complex gum was composed of konjac gum 0.8% ,carrageenan gum 0.6% ,and xanthan gum 0.4% .The weight proportion of hawthorn and carrot fruit syrup to glucose-fructose syrups was 11 : 9. Heating temperature was 95 to 100℃. Keeping time was 15 min and then cooling to form jelly. It has not only improved the nutritional value of the products but also lowered the cost. This fruit jelly is dark red, semi-transparent, sweet-sour. It has delicate tissue and perfect toughness. This product will have broad prospects for exploiting.
Food Engineering
hawthorn and carrot fruit jelly
complex gum
processing technology