
转基因产品低水平混杂问题研究 被引量:8

Analysis on the Low Level Presence of Genetically Modified Product
摘要 转基因产品低水平混杂(LLP)是随着转基因作物商业化而出现在进出口贸易中的一个现实问题,也是当前多边贸易谈判中的一个前沿议题,近年来已成为各国政府共同的政策关注点。作为转基因作物研发、种植和农产品贸易大国,我国农业产业的多个方面都将受到转基因产品LLP的影响。文章分析了转基因产品LLP的演进逻辑,探讨了现行LLP定义的政策含义;从技术和政策层面出发,论证了进口国对转基因产品的特殊关注是LLP问题出现的根本原因,提出了加强双边合作与互认的解决思路;从进出口两方面分析了LLP问题和LLP风险管理策略的缺失对一国农业产业产生的影响,并针对其经济风险评估和政策制定提出了建议。 Low Level Presence(LLP) of Genetically Modified Product is a practical problem in import and export trade, which is caused by the commercialization of Genetically Modified Product and is a cutting-edge issue in the multilateral trade negotiation. It has been the concerns that the governments commonly face in recent years. As a power of Genetically Modified crops R&D, production and agricultural trade, China's agricultural industry will be influenced by LLP of Geneti- cally Modified Product in many aspects. This paper analyzed the evolution logic of Genetically Modified Product LLP problem and described the implications of LLP definition. This paper also clarified that the special concerns of the importing country in the Genetically Modified Product are the root causes of LLP problem and put forward the solution that regional cooperation and international mutual recognition be strengthen, in technical and policy terms. The paper analyzed the impact of LLP problem on a country's agricultural industry in both import and export sides, and provided a guideline and reference for its economic risk assessment and policy making.
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第2期125-132,共8页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
基金 国家科技重大专项项目"新性状转基因植物食品安全评价及转基因产品定量标识阈值研究"(2012ZX08011003-002)的阶段成果
关键词 转基因产品 低水平混杂 阈值 贸易摩擦 Genetically modified product Low Level Presence Threshold Trade frictions
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