
ZrCuAlNb大块非晶合金的热稳定性 被引量:1

Thermal stability of ZrCuAlNb bulk metallic glass
摘要 利用电弧炉+铜模吸铸的方法制备了Zr46.3Cu43.4Al8.3Nb2(at%)块体非晶合金。利用示差扫描量热仪(DSC)研究了合金的热稳定性,利用Kissinger方法计算了其特征温度表观激活能,利用Doyle方法计算了其局域激活能。结果表明,Zr46.3Cu43.4Al8.3Nb2块体非晶合金具有良好的热稳定性。各特征温度的表观激活能分别为:玻璃转变激活能(Eg)为302.7 kJ/mol、晶化起始激活能(Ex)为445.853 kJ/mol、晶化峰值激活能(Ep)为389.20 kJ/mol。局域激活能随着晶化体积分数的增加而显著减小。 Zr46.3Cu43. 4Al8 3Nb2(at% ) bulk metallic glass alloy was prepared by using copper mould casting. The thermal stability ol the alloy was investigated mainly by differential scanning calorimeter ( DSC). The activation energy was obtained from the Kissinger and Doyle equations. The results show that the activation energy of glass transition (Eg) , crystallization ( Ex) and peak crystallization (Ep) are 302.7 kJ/mol, 445. 853 kJ/mol and 389.2 kJ/mol, respectively. The local crystallization activation energy decreases with increasing of the crystallized volume fraction. The results indicate that the alloy has desirable thermal stability.
出处 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期29-32,共4页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 亚稳材料制备技术与科学国家重点实验室开放基金(201105) 河南省教育厅基金(2011A430015) 河南理工大学博士基金(B2010-81)
关键词 ZrCu基块体非晶合金 热稳定性 变温晶化 激活能 ZrCu based bulk metallic glass thermal stability crystallization kinetics activation energy
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