目的:探讨马尾松树皮提取物(Pinus massoniana bark extract,PMBE)对S180腹水瘤小鼠的抗肿瘤作用。方法:采用NIH小鼠S180腹水瘤模型,通过腹腔注射PMBE,观察PMBE对S180腹水瘤小鼠的体重增长、腹水瘤体积、抑瘤率、胸腺和脾脏的脏器系数、外周血白细胞数量、T淋巴细胞增殖率、凋亡率和细胞周期的变化。结果:PMBE对S180腹水瘤细胞表现出明显抑制作用。50,100,200 mg/kgPMBE剂量组的抑瘤率分别为9.95%、65.74%、88.04%;小鼠的体重增长相应下降;PMBE高剂量组能明显提高胸腺指数、脾脏指数、外周血白细胞数量和T淋巴细胞增殖率。PMBE中剂量组能明显诱导S180细胞凋亡,且细胞周期分析显示PMBE使S180细胞阻滞在S期。结论:PMBE通过增强免疫功能和诱导细胞凋亡来抑制S180腹水瘤生长。
Objective:To investigate the antitumor activity of Pinus massoniana bark extract(PMBE) in S180 ascites tumor-bearing mice.Methods: After the intraperitoneal injection of PMBE in the S180 ascities tumor-bearing NIH mice,the changes of the body weight,ascites tumor size,tumor inhibition rate,thymus index,spleen index,peripheral leucocyte count and T lymphocyte proliferation rate,apoptosis rate and cell cycle were observed.Results: PMBE showed significantly inhibition on the growth of S180 ascites tumor cells.The inhibitory rates of PMBE were 9.95%,65.74% and 88.04% at the dosages of 50,100,200 mg/kg,respectively;a corresponding decline in weight gain of the mice.The dose of 200 mg/kg PMBE could increase the thymus index,spleen index,peripheral leucocyte count and T lymphocyte proliferation rate.The dose of 100 mg/kg PMBE could induce significantly S180 cell apoptosis,and the cell cycle analysis showed that PMBE induces cell cycle arrest in the S phase.Conclusion: PMBE could inhibit the growth of S180 ascites tumor by increasing immune function and inducing cell apoptosis.
Journal of Guangxi Medical University