
水下液压控制管线清洗、测试 被引量:2

Flushing test of the subsea hydraulic tubing
摘要 介绍了液压控制管线冲洗过程及要求,通过流量和流速及管径计算流体的雷诺数大于4 000,确定冲洗的流体处于高度紊流的状态,冲洗后能达到要求的清洁度。通过随机取样并化验,结果表明,理论计算的结果和化验结果非常吻合,并达到清洁度要求。 The process and requirement of flushing the tubing are introduced in this paper. Reynold's number is more than 4000 calculated by the flow rate, velocity of fluid and the internal diameter of tubing. It shows that the fluid is in high turbulence and the cleanliness degree can meet the require- ment after flushing. the assay and satisfy By sampling and assay, the results indicate that the calculation is confirmed with the demand of cleanliness degree.
出处 《清洗世界》 CAS 2012年第6期5-7,共3页 Cleaning World
关键词 水下阀门 液压控制管线 冲洗 清洁度 subsea valves hydraulic controlled tubing flushing cleanliness degree
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