

Globally Exponentially Attractive Sets of A Low Order Atmospheric Circulation Model
摘要 本文研究一种低阶大气环流模型的全局指数吸引集估计问题。针对具有变参数的大气环流模型,通过广义Lypunov函数方法,给出了模型全局指数吸引集的估计式,此估计式验证了系统的最终一致有界性. A globally exponentially attractive set is given for a low order atmospheric circulation model. The generalized Lyapunov function is used to the design of attractive set which is used to consider the ultimate bounds of the atmospheric circulation model with varying parameters. Explicit estimation of the ultimate bound is derived.
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2012年第3期18-21,共4页 Journal of Taishan University
基金 山东省软科学研究计划项目(2010RKGA2051)
关键词 大气环流模型 全局指数吸引集 广义Lypunov函数 atmospheric circulation model globally exponentially attractive set generalized Lyapunov function
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