
TMT社会网络、公司创业与企业绩效关系研究 被引量:6

An Empirical Research about TMT Network,Corporate Entrepreneurship and Firm Performance
摘要 拥有大量内外部信息资源的高管团队(TMT),其社会网络不但可以提供公司创业的机会来源,也是企业现在绩效和未来绩效的影响因素。TMT的社会网络只有通过公司创业机制才能转化为企业绩效的价值创造过程。中国背景下的实证研究显示:TMT社会网络、公司创业都与企业绩效正相关,对于企业而言,要高度重视通过管理手段激励整个高管团队的所有成员去构建有效的内外部社会网络;公司创业的价值增值中介作用也得到证实,公司创业发挥着重要的资源整合作用,有价值的TMT内外部社会网络只有充分融入企业的产品或服务创新,以及深层次的战略更新过程中,为企业的价值增值服务,才能转变为企业绩效。 With a large number of internal and external information resources, the social network of top management team (TMT) can not only provide sources of business opportunity, but also affect company's current and future performance. TMT's social network can only be transformed into the value creation process through mechanism of corporate entrepreneurship. TMT social networks, corporate entrepreneurship and corporate performance are positively correlated in China. For businesses, great importance should be at- tached to motivate the entire executive team to build effective internal and external social networks; a com- pany's value-added mediating role of entrepreneurship has been confirmed. Corporate entrepreneurship plays an important role in the integration of resources. The valuable TMT internal and external social networks will become corporate performance only when it is fully integrated into the company's products or service in- novation, as well as deep-seated strategy update process to serve the value of the enterprise value - added services.
出处 《财贸研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期99-104,131,共7页 Finance and Trade Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于双元能力构建的公司创业导向与组织绩效转化路径研究"(70972145) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"基于创业导向战略的企业SHRM匹配与绩效关系研究"(08JC630046) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目
关键词 TMT社会网络 公司创业 企业绩效 TMT social network corporate entrepreneurship fwrn performance
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