目的:观察复方石栗喷雾剂对实验性大鼠烫伤后创面愈合的影响。方法:将72只大鼠造成Ⅱ度烫伤模型,取2只做病理检查,将其余70只随机分为复方石栗喷雾剂大剂量组(含生药材0.688 g/mL)、复方石栗喷雾剂中剂量组(含生药材0.344 g/mL)、复方石栗喷雾剂小剂量组(含生药材0.172 g/mL)、生理盐水组(阴性对照组)、磺胺嘧啶银组(0.5 g/只,阳性对照组),每组14只。试药组创面每日用药2次,均匀喷覆,对照组每日用药1次,用药后创面不加覆盖,逐日观察创面感染愈合情况及动物的全身情况。比较各组第3天、第7天、第14天、第21天创面愈合率和最后创面愈合时间,并对创面进行病理切片分析。结果:复方石栗喷雾剂各组大鼠体征正常,创面无感染,与生理盐水组比较,大、中剂量组大鼠创面愈合倾向明显。与生理盐水组比较,复方石栗喷雾剂大、中剂量组在各个计时点创面愈合率明显提高,创面愈合时间明显减少(P<0.01,P<0.05),低剂量组则无明显差异(P>0.05)。病理切片显示大、中剂量组大鼠创面愈合较快。结论:复方石栗喷雾剂对实验性大鼠烫伤模型有确切疗效,且与剂量有一定关系。
Wu Peiheng respected the idea of "warming yang" in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases. In the clinic, besides inheri- ting Zhang Zhongjing's preference to the combined use of fuzi and ganjiang and being good at treating the syndrome of deficiency of yang from cold with Sini decotion or other similar prescriptions, he could also enhance the function of fuzi to strengthen heart and recuperate depleted yang by combining the use of fuzi and rougui, thus reducing the toxicity of fuzi and avoiding the dryness of fuzi and ganjiang.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine