给出了“98.7”连续暴雨过程期间江西及其附近地区逐日物理量的绝对极大值 ,对这次连续暴雨过程的最强降水日进行了诊断分析。得到了盛夏季节连续暴雨的动力、水汽、稳定度等条件均明显强于江西雨季 ( 4月至 7月上旬 )产生暴雨的相应条件。计算结果表明 ,螺旋度、Q矢量散度在这次连续暴雨过程中与降水强弱有较好的对应关系。
The absolute maximums of daily physical quantities during continuous torrential rain event in July 1998 are calculated and analysed,with the distribution of physical quantities in July 23 shown.It is found that the thermal,water vapor and stability parameters in the event are obviously stronger than those in general rainy season (April to the early of July),and that the helicity and divergence of Q vector are correlation with precipitation inensity.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology