
牛O型、亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫疫苗不同免疫次数免疫后群体抗体合格率比较 被引量:3

Comparison of FMD Type O-Asia Ⅰantibody groups qualified rate in cattle after different immunization
摘要 本研究选取沈阳地区饲养管理正规的牛规模场,采用液相阻断ELISA试验方法测定牛血清样品中O型-亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫抗体水平,并计算免疫抗体的群体合格率。用O型-亚洲Ⅰ型二价苗一免、二免、三免的牛在免后28d时牛O型-亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率研究结果表明,O型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率分别为82.5%、100%、100%;亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率分别为57.5%、97.5%、97.5%。一免后O型和亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率下降速度均较快,一免后60dO型免疫抗体群体合格率降到72.5%,免后80d时O型、亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率分别降为47.5%、12.5%。二免以上的牛口蹄免疫抗体群体合格率在28~120d内均较一免组高,而且抗体持续时间也长,三免后120d时O型、亚洲Ⅰ型口蹄疫免疫抗体群体合格率仍高达77.5%、75%。 In this study, large amount breading field of cattle were chosen to investigate the deamplification rule of type O and type O-Asia I. Liquid phase block ELISA was used to determine the type O-Asia maternal antibody in Cattle and to calculate the group qualified rate.The group qualified rate at day 28 after first, second and third immunization with FMD type O and type O-Asia I combined vaccine are 82.5%, 97.5% and 97.5%.The group qualified rate droped sharply after the first immunization. The type O antibody group qualified rate droped to 72.5% after first immunization at day 60. The type O and type O-Asia I droped to 47.5% and 12.5% after first immunization at day 80. Cattle which injceted the vaccine twice presented a higher group qualified rate than the group which just injected once during day 28 to 120, and the antibody lasted longer. After the third immunization the type O and type O-Asia I group qualified rate remain 77.5% and 75% on day 120.
作者 依颖新
出处 《现代畜牧兽医》 2012年第6期43-46,共4页 Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 口蹄疫 免疫次数 免疫抗体 群体合格率 FMD injection times Immune Antibody Group Qualified rate Cattle
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