
对当前深化经济发展模式变革的再探讨 被引量:6

A Further Study on Deepening Refrom of Chinese Economic Development Pattern
摘要 中国经济发展模式这30多年的特点可以基本总结为,必要条件为劳动力从传统部门转移到现代化部门;充分条件为对外开放;产业条件是不断动态地引进世界的先进生产力;制度条件为不断地进行经济体制改革。中国在转化经济发展模式时要注意多方面的问题,例如转化的社会成本和竞争平台的变化。 Chinese economic development pattern could be described as: the necessary condition is the move- ment of labor force from the traditional industrial sectors to the modern industrial sectors; the sufficient condition is the open policy; the industrial condition is to import the advanced production capacity dynamically; the system condition is the reform to give the guarantee to the above mentioned. Some very important issues should be paid much attention, such as the social cost of the transit of development model and the changes of the competition plateform.
作者 黄卫平
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期9-14,117,共7页 On Economic Problems
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"世界经济失衡与中国经济发展模式选择"(10JJD790006)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 中国经济 发展模式 国家转型 结构调整 Chinese economic development pattern state transformation structure adjustment
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