
津补贴、薪酬差距与行政机关公务员薪酬公平——基于中部三省公务员与企业薪酬数据的实证分析 被引量:8

On the Influence of Allowance and Pay Gap to the Civil Servants' Pay Equity——The Analysis with Civil Servants and Enterprises' Salary Data in Three Central Provinces
摘要 本文以公务员薪酬管制为制度背景,对如下两个问题进行了探讨和实证检验:(1)行政机关公务员津补贴标准如何确定,对公务员内部薪酬公平有何影响?(2)公务员薪酬在企业中的"相当人员"如何界定,公务员薪酬水平是否过高?研究发现,机构自定津补贴印迹明显,"机构类型、单位总收入、职务级别"引致的公务员津补贴差距主导了公务员薪酬内部的不合理差距;公务员可比名义薪酬外部公平的参照指标应该是企业中管理类岗位的平均工资,但目前公务员的可比名义薪酬略低于企业中"相当人员"的可比薪酬。本文研究为我国公务员薪酬制度新一轮的改革提供了支撑。 Based on the pay control of the civil servants, the paper discussed the following two problems: ( 1 ) How the allowances and subsidies of civil servants in administrative organs are determined? What impact the allowances and subsidies have brought to the internal equity of the civil servants' pay? (2)As to the allowances and subsidies, who are the "comparable positions" in the enterprise with the civil servants? How to define the level of civil servants' pay is too high? In order to research the above issues, the group selected three provinces in the central region with the roughly same economic level to survey in 2008 to 2009. Each of the provinces have chosen seven cities, including a provincial capital city, three prefecture -level cities and three countylevel cities. In accordance with the equipotent principle, each different province selected 3000 civil servants samples and 500 employees sample to survey, including 9000 civil servants' pay data and 1500 employees' pay data. Finally, the 5256 valid questionnaires of the civil servants' pay and the 1031 valid questionnaires of the employees' salary are collected. The research content and conclusion as follows: ( 1 ) What impact of allowances and subsidies has brought to the internal equity of the civil servants' pay? Relying on the above data, this paper first used Quantile Regression to estimate the decision model of civil servants' allowances and subsidies. And then, with the comparison of the affecting factors and decided mechanisms of civil servants' comparable salary, the paper discussed the influence factors and decision mechanism of civil servants' allowance and evaluated the rationality of the allowance gap and its influencing factors to the sample area. The results of the study as follows: Firstly, the qualifications and the work experience have significant influence to comparable nominal wages and allowances of civil servants, and their influence to the comparable nominal wages is greater than the influence to allowances. Secondly, the type of institution, local average ble nominal wages and allowances significantly, and comparable nominal wages. wage of businesses and the city population size affect comparatheir influence to allowances is greater than the influence to the Thirdly, the post level, institutions level, local fiscal revenue level and local per capita GDP affect comparable nominal wages and allowances significantly, and their influence to allowances and the comparable nominal wages is inconsistent. (2) What impact of allowances and subsidies has brought to the external equity of the civil servants' pay? Relying on the above data and the income equation of Mincer, the paper increased a series control variables and established the nominal pay equation model to discuss the allowances and subsidies gap and its effect to the external equity of the civil servants' pay? The results of the study as follows: Firstly, the "comparable positions" in the enterprise with the civil servants nominal wages are the "management class" positions and the external fair indicators of civil servants nominal wages should be the average wage of the enterprise management posts, rather than the average social wage or local businesses average wage. Secondly, the comparable nominal pay of civil servants is slightly lower than the comparable pay of the "comparable positions" in the enterprise. Thirdly, the institutional level, the unit total income and the post level dominated the unreasonable gap of civil servants' allowances and subsidies. The main contribution of this study included exploring the distribution factors of the civil servants' allowances and subsidies, establishing the method to definite the "comparable positions" of civil servants' pay, and evaluating the realizing degree of internal and external equity of civil servants' comparable nominal pay. The conclusions of the paper may provide empirical supports to the new round reform of civil servants' pay and allowances in China.
作者 张广科
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期173-183,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目"公务员能力激发的薪酬决定与动态调整机制研究"(20100471137) 湖北省社会科学基金项目"湖北省公务员薪酬差距合理性评估研究"(2011LJ039)
关键词 行政机关公务员 津补贴 薪酬差距 可比名义薪酬公平 civil servants allowances and subsidies pay gap equity of comparable nominal pay
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