
抗战时期的国立西北联大物理学系概况 被引量:1

The Department of Physics of National Northwest Union University in the period of Resistance war against Japan
摘要 目的研究抗战时期的西北联大物理系,为科学教育史研究提供线索和历史佐证。方法文献考证研究法。结果抗战时期的西安临大物理系,南迁汉中后更名为国立西北联合大学物理系,9位教授10多名教师先后开设了30多门专业必修和选修课程以及近世(代)物理、地球物理、物性学、量子力学等物理学前沿课程,编写了理论力学、热学、光学、物性学等10多种讲义,召开了中国物理学会第十一、十二届年会西北区分会,开展了原子弹之探讨、纪念伟大科学家牛顿等多个科学专题报告会,9年共培养85名毕业生的教学成就。结论国立西北联大物理系形成了初等、预科、本科的物理学教育体系,也形成了师资队伍、专业系科、物理学会及社团等制度化建设,其将欧美前沿物理学引入西北,为战后西北地区高等和初等物理教育奠定了坚实的基础。 Aim Research the Department of Physics of National Northwest Union University in the period of Re- sistance war against Japan, in order to provides clues and historical evidence of Chinese wartime Science and histo- ry of education. Methods The literature research method. Results During the Resistance War Against Japan, National Xi'an Temporary University's Department of Physics was renamed as the Department of Physics, National Northwest Union University after moving to Hanzhong, nine professors and 10 teachers opened more than 30 spe- cialized compulsory and elective courses as well as cutting-edge physics courses such as Modern (generation) phys- ics, Geophysics, Atomic physics, Quantum mechanics. Professors wrote more than 10 kinds of handouts such as Theoretical mechanics, Thermal, Optical, Atomic physics, held two the Eleventh and the Twelfth, held the study of the atomic bomb, commemorated the great scientists Newton and other scientific presentations, trained 85 gradu- ates of physics in nine years. Conclusion The primary, preparatory, undergraduate physics education system has been set up in Department of Physics, Northwest Union University, which has also formed systematic construction of teachers, professional faculties of Physics, Associations, etc. Cutting-edge physics in Europe and America was in- troduced in Northwest of China, laid solid foundation for the Northwest China. post-war higher and elementary physics education in
作者 白秀英 姚远
出处 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期521-526,共6页 Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(07XXW004) 渭南师范学院教育教学改革研究基金资助项目(JG201134)
关键词 西安临时大学 西北联合大学 物理学系 Xi'an temporary University Northwest Union University Department of Physics
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