
面向食品安全分析的核酸适配体传感技术 被引量:9

Aptamer-Based Sensing Technology Towards Food Safety Analysis
摘要 食品中危害因子的检测一直是国内外食品安全领域致力解决的重要问题。核酸适配体是一类通过体外筛选技术得到的单链DNA或RNA,具有特异性强、稳定性好和靶分子广等特点,因而被广泛用于食品安全检测领域。近年来,随着纳米传感技术的快速发展,互补结合适配体和纳米材料的特殊性质,可实现对靶标物质的超灵敏、高选择性及快速检测。本文总结了近年来筛选的食品危害因子适配体,综述了面向食品安全检测的基于适配体传感和纳米材料修饰的分析检测技术的进展,主要包括比色法、荧光法、电化学法以及表面等离子体共振技术,并探讨了适配体传感检测所存在的问题和未来的发展趋势。 Intense works have been undertaken towards development of analytical methods for the detection of risk factors in the food samples. Nucleic-acid aptamers, obtained through in vitro selection and amplification, are artificial single-stranded DNA or RNA sequences that could bind to a wide range of targets with extremely high specificity and stability. These advantages have motivated aptamers to find broad applications towards food safety analysis. In recent years, the combination of aptamers with novel nanomaterials has significantly improved the performance of aptamer-based analytical techniques. In this review, we summarize the recent development of aptamer-based sensors and detection methods, including optical, electrochemical and surface plasmon resonance methods, and highlight their potential application in food safety analysis. Also, the future perspectives of aptamer- based analytical techniques are concluded.
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1378-1387,共10页 Progress in Chemistry
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(No.2012BAD29B05) 国家自然科学基金项目(No.20806057) 教育部博士点基金项目(No.200800561004)资助
关键词 适配体 食品安全 纳米材料 检测技术 aptamer food safety nanomaterials analytical techniques
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