

The Determinant of Relational Governance in Vertical Transactions in Transition Economy:A Comparative Analysis between Local Suppliers and Foreign Suppliers
摘要 文章探讨了资产专用性和交易依赖性对纵向交易关系治理的影响,以及产业和制度环境对关系治理选择的作用。通过对110家供应商的问卷调查,实证结果发现,资产专用性、交易依赖性是企业间关系治理的主要考虑因素;制度环境不完善使得供应商更不愿采用关系手段。进一步对样本企业按照中国和外资分组后,结果显示,用交易成本理论解释中国供应商的关系治理选择更适合,而资源基础观则更符合外资供应商的决策方式。 The aim of this study is to assess the effect of asset specificity, transaction dependence, industrial environment and institutional environment on relational governance. Based on a survey of 110 suppliers operating in Chinese market, the paper makes an empirical analysis and shows that asset specificity and transaction dependence are two main factors affecting firm's relational governance. Suppliers that perceive institutional deficiency in China are less likely to apply relational methods to govern transactions. By dividing the samples into two groups of suppliers, i.e. local and foreign firms, it finds that it is more appropriate to use transaction cost theory to explain the relational governance decision of local suppliers while resource-based view is more suitable for foreign suppliers. It finally provides some suggestions for the firms that own local and foreign suppliers to make relational governance decisions and for the government to make related policies.
作者 袁静
出处 《国际经贸探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期48-58,共11页 International Economics and Trade Research
基金 国家社科基金项目(10CGL020) (11CGL005) 广州市社科规划项目(10Q14) 广东国际战略研究院国际合作项目"跨国公司在华子公司重组研究"
关键词 关系治理 资产专用性 交易依赖性 产业环境 制度环境 relational governance asset specificity transaction dependence industrial environment institutional environment
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