
自恋与决策的研究现状及展望 被引量:15

The Relationship Between Narcissism and Decision-Making
摘要 目前,自恋与决策的研究主要依托实验室任务进行,涉及赌博、投资和管理等领域的决策行为。大部分研究结果表明,自恋者在上述实验任务中都表现出明显的决策偏差与风险决策,但也有研究证实了某些情境下其决策的有效性。自恋与决策的理论模型主要包括人格特质模型、自我调节模型、归因模型与趋近回避模型等,未来研究应注意方法的改进、自恋的积极功能、情绪的作用以及文化的影响。 A literature has emerged of laboratory-based studies on the relationship between narcissism and decision-making in gambling, investment and management settings. Individuals with more narcissistic personalities have relatively consistently shown biased decision-making in the direction of increased risk seeking. Some evidence suggest that the increased risk taking observed by narcissists may be adaptive under some circumstances. Here we review the literature of narcissists' decision-making and key models that attempt to account for it. Limitations of the current literature are also addressed, and future areas of inquiry are suggested.
作者 何宁 谷渊博
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1089-1097,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目一般项目(10SZYB34)
关键词 自恋 决策 赌博 投资 组织管理 模型 narcissism decision-making gambling investment organizational management model
  • 相关文献


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