
国外情绪表露研究述评 被引量:1

A Review of Emotional Disclosure Research in Foreign Countries
摘要 情绪表露是由Pennebaker和Beall(1986)发现的一种改善被试身心健康的干预方法。国外对于情绪表露的研究已有20多年的历史。关于情绪表露的理论机制,主要有压抑释放理论、认知加工理论、自我调节理论、社会整合理论和暴露理论;关于情绪表露的影响因素,主要有环境因素、被试特征因素、方法学因素和操作因素。在未来的研究中,情绪表露的效果、范式的边界条件变量、理论机制等方面还需加强研究和得到进一步的验证。 Emotional disclosure is an intervention approach discovered by Permebaker and Beall (1986) to improve physical and mental health. The emotional disclosure has been studied abroad for more than 20 years. Its theory mechanism covers the suppressing and releasing theory, cognitive processing theory, self-regnlation theory, social integration theory and the exposure theory. Factors that have impact on emotional disclosure include environmental, characteristic, methodological and operational factors. In future studies, the effects of emotional disclosure, the variables of paradigm boundary condition, theoretical mechanisms need to be further studied and tested.
作者 牛士伟 王彦
出处 《特立学刊》 2012年第3期59-64,共6页 Teli Journal
关键词 情绪表露 影响因素 理论 emotional disclosure factors theory
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