

Clinical Analysis on Effect of Jiangtang Pill on Lipid Changes of IGR with MS of Qi-Yin Deficiency
摘要 目的:比较并分析中药降糖丸治疗并有糖调节受损的代谢综合征中血脂异常患者的疗效。方法:采用多中心随机双盲平行对照的试验方法,通过对辽宁中医药大学"并有糖调节受损代谢综合征中西医治疗方案的临床研究"中气阴两虚型的糖调节受损代谢综合征中血脂异常的患者共167例,其中治疗组81例,对照组86例,将两组患者分别分为超重组(BMI≥28kg/m2),肥胖组(BMI≥25kg/m2且BMI<28kg/m2),正常组(BMI<25kg/m2)。分别给予运动、生活方式干预,西医常规治疗,并且治疗组口服降糖丸,对照组为安慰剂,观察两组用药12周后各项指标尤其是血糖及血脂的变化。结论:(1)气阴两虚型并有IGR的MS患者的BMI以25kg/m2≤BMI<28kg/m2为主。(2)基础治疗可以改善气阴两虚型患者的2hPG、主要作用于超重组和肥胖组患者;同时又可以改善气阴两虚型肥胖组患者的BMI、TG。基础治疗虽不能从总体上降低HBA1C,但却可降低正常组的HBA1C。(3)降糖丸治疗可以显著改善BMI、FPG、2hPG。其中对于BMI治疗作用体现在超重组和肥胖组,可提高超重组的达标率;对于2hPG、TC治疗作用均体现在超重组。降糖丸虽从总体上对TC无显著的疗效,但是分层后,对超重组就有了明显地治疗作用。 Objective : Comparison and analysis on the effect of Jiangtang pill on abnormal blood lipid of IGR with MS were made. Methods : Using the method of multieenter randomized double blind parallel test,there were 167 cases with abnormal blood lipid, including 81 cases in the treatment group,86 patients in control group, patients were divided into super recombination ( BMI=28kg/m^2 ), the obese group ( BMI〉25kg/m^2 and 〈28kg/m^2 ), the normal group ( BMI〈25kg/m^2 ). Exercise, lifestyle intervention and conventional treatment of Western medicine were given. Treatment group was given oral pill and compared placebo group, two groups were observed after 12 weeks after each index especially glucose and blood lipid changed. Conclusion : ( 1 ) BMI of Qi-yin deficiency type was 25kg/m^2〈 BMI 〈28kg/m^2. ( 2 ) Foundation treatment can improve the 2hPG of Qi-yin deficiency type patients, which has a major role in overweight and obese patients ; at the same time it can improve BMI and TG. Foundation treatment is not generally decreased HBAIC, but can reduce the HBA1C normal group. (3)Pill treatment can significantly improve BMI, FPG and 2hPG. The BMI treatment effect reflected in overweight and obese group, can improve the success rate of recombination ; for 2hPG, TC therapeutic effects are reflected in the ultra reorganization. Pill has no significant effect on the whole of TC, but after stratification, which has an obviously therapeutic effect on the overweight group.
机构地区 辽宁中医药大学
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2012年第7期33-35,共3页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAI2-B103)
关键词 中药降糖丸 MS 临床分析 Chinese medicine pill MS clinical analysis
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