

The Multivariate Logistic Analysis on Four Attitudes about Lady Cigaretts
摘要 目的了解广州市女学生对女士香烟态度并探讨其影响因素,为预防和控制女学生吸取女士香烟提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样,对广州市女学生进行问卷调查,运用MLwinN2.19软件对资料进行多元logistic回归分析。结果 1834名女生中认为女士香烟更时髦、更有魅力、口味更好、危害更少的分别为15.1%、14.6%、17.0%、12.1%。零花钱多、重点中学生/大学生、城镇户口的女学生更偏爱女士香烟;对女士香烟有所知晓的女学生也偏爱女士香烟;而过去30天是否看到过控烟宣传、烟草广告对女士香烟态度影响未发现有统计学意义。结论通过政府、家庭、学校的教育和宣传来提高女学生对女士香烟有害性认识,改变学生不良的吸烟态度,提高他们的抗烟态度,特别要关注零花钱多的学生、重点中学和大学生。 Objective To understand young women' attitude about lady cigarettes and its influencing factors, so as to provide evidence for the prevention and control of smoking lady cigarettes among young women. Methods The multi-stage stratified cluster sampling and ques- tionnaire survey were carded out among female high school students in Guangzhou. The data were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression by MLwinN 2. 19 software. Results Among 1834 female students, the per- cents regarding lady cigarettes as more fashionable, more attractive, tastes better and less harmful were 15.1% ,14. 6% ,17.0% and 12. 1% seperately.Young women with more pocket money, in secondary school or university and from urban account prefered lady cigarettes. Young women knowing la- dy cigarettes also prefered lady cigarettes. But tobacco control advocacy and tobacco advertisement in the past 30 days had no significancal effect on atti- tude of lady cigarettes. Conclusion Through the education and advocacy from government, family and school, the awareness of the hazards of lady cigarettes were raised, change students' bad smoking attitudes and enhance their anti-smoking attitudes. Particular attention should be paid to students with more pocket money, high school and college students.
出处 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期354-356,359,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
基金 中国青年女性烟草使用现况调查(编号:R03-CA-130728) 广东药学院人文思政研究专项(编号:RWSZ201209)
关键词 女学生 女士香烟 影响因素 多元多水平模型 Young women Lady cigarette Influencing factors Multivariate multilevel model
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